lent and children
lent is here…
this is our good shepherd. the idea was to have at hand the props for telling the story ala the Godly Play folks. this shepherd has very wayward sheep; they’re liable to turn up under the couch or in the play kitchen. but the lambs eventually make their way back to the fold. they have some very fuzzy cousins too. maybe they’re Lincoln Longwools!
thought i’d share a few links from here and there to give us all a chance to find a few ideas that might help our families be more able to meet the season.
- a link to Faith at Home, a Godly Play site. it’s worth a look around more generally too.
- this is an Orthodox site called The Liturgical Year for Little Ones. it’s from last year, so the dates are off. but it’s beautiful. and with a little work, you could match the readings to the correct day. or just read them as you will!
- this is from a church in the Northeast…a very long list of very simple ideas. just one or two would be enough. it really doesn’t take much to turn our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh.
- this is my post from last year. it’s really just my same old list of ideas…make some bread, go for a walk, draw what you see on the walk, come home and eat the bread–with some sheep’s milk cheese!