
june 09 078

9:45 pm on the first day of the month.  this is not an auspicious beginning to the month of daily posts i had planned.  but here i am in the dark and quiet and almost still house.  Nico just didn’t want to sleep this evening.  he wasn’t especially fussy, he just wasn’t sleeping until well after 9.  that’s me and him up there by the way.  in yesterday’s late afternoon shine.

one thing i want to do this month is keep track of our days, what it is we’re doing on any given day.  kids who attend traditional schools go something like 180 days a year.  so i was curious to see how many days we do something that could be construed as educational.  today’s list: gardening, water play, play dough.  i was really just aiming for one thing 3 or 4 times a week.  i could have stretched out our fun over the whole week!  her days are full even though we live a quiet life rooted close to home.

this afternoon M and i were talking about Nicolas.  about the boy he is becoming.  i wondered what it is that will catch his attention.  for Mabel it’s the olden days and Laura and Mary and dancing and maps and volcanos and being fancy.  what will Nico’s list look like?

we also walked over to Safeway together to purchase some “M for Mabel Candy.”  (maybe you call them M & M’s at your house.)  she got 5 today for keeping her underpants dry the whole day.  good job, sweet girl.

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