twenty six

this morning we visited the church where Mabel was baptized, where she wore this lovely gown.   it was sweet to return with the new one.  sweet to see the same people and sit in our same seats.  sweet to watch AP walk a new baby around the courtyard in the sling.

the littles did so well in the long service.  at one point both of them were singing along to the hymns!  Mabel even traced the words with her fingers!  who taught her that?

our time here has been good.  Nicolas is growing and changing even this week.  holding his head up, tracking, talking, even beginning to teethe it seems.  he is content in the arms of his uncles and aunts, content to fall asleep on Nana’s shoulder.  and Mabel’s week has been full of adventure…playing with Trev and the black cat, hitting baseballs with the uncles, garage sales with Nana that sent us home with new books to read, time out in the garden to eat beans and help water.

we are so blessed.

One Comment

  1. Everywhere I turn in the garden is the memory of a little voice or a snuggle reminding me of the days we had together this summer. I loved our visit. I love all of you.

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