unpacking my library

Mental multivitamin shared her absolutely swoon inducing bookshelves, and it made me remember this photograph from a few days ago.  these built-ins live in our dining room.  they are old painted wood, sort of funky.  we think they are cabinets that at some time in the last 104 years were turned around and bolted to the wall.

they need a fresh coat of paint, maybe a window seat added between the shelves, definitely some organizing and editing.  but i love them and love how they already hold so much of our lives and work.

**edited to add: the original review from Brain Pickings that made M-mv want to share her library…and a link to Maria’s own virtual bookshelf.


  1. I LOVE those shelves. i really like walking into someone’s home and seeing that books are right there, readily accessible, part of the quotidian.. special meaning, memories and adventures just an arm’s reach away….cute photo!

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