looking for homeschool inspiration?
i’ve been spending profitable time at the Brave Writer blog and Facebook page of late.
just listen to this:
The measure of my homeschool is not what I’m getting done that is like school. The measure of my homeschool is what i’m getting done that is not like school.
or this:
You can repair a day “gone bad”…start the day over. Right now. You don’t have to wait for tomorrow. Go forward gently, with low expectations and tea.
or this:
Creating a peaceful home does not come through insistence or coercion. it comes through open hands, yielding, attentiveness and kindness.
good, no? and if you sign up for Julie’s Daily Writing Tip, you can receive the ebook “Help Your Kids Fall in Love with Writing.” (just scroll down from the Brave Writer homepage; the link is on the bottom right hand side.)