kids love to peel tomatoes! Mabel is tall enough to work at the sink, but Nico still needs to use the step stool. “Sissy, can you move your toes over?”
(and yes, this picture is quite old. but i had boiling water and hot tomatoes and a baby on my hip. i don’t think you wanted me to be wrangling a camera on top of all that!)
yesterday we peeled a whole crock pot full of tomatoes that our neighbor Joseph gave us. He sent his son Dan over with the lot…his son who is 62! Joseph and Phyllis raised their children in the house across the street from ours. Dan was excited to see inside our place. he told us about the crazy woman and her husband who used to live here. sounds about right!
we were making sauce to accompany this ragu. ours had fresh corn and greens too. CSA pick up is today, so we needed to empty out our fridge.
here’s one more picture from the same month! jumping on the bed! oh my!