
i ♥ the internet

isn’t that awful?  though i’m shy to admit it, it really is true.

each year during the month of October, The Nester hosts a link up challenging bloggers to write on a single topic for 31 days.  since i’m showing up more often on the blog anyways, i thought i’d like to write about keeping Advent.

last week over at The Nester’s place, there was talk of buttons–the nifty graphics that can lead you new places.  in the comments, a woman named Katana offered her services as a button maker!  then she sweetened the deal by offering two readers free buttons.  and i won!

keeping advent banner size

this is her lovely work.  she’ll be writing about bringing real art into your home, so be sure to head over and take a look!

i will be back tomorrow to start our adventure.  are you ready?


  1. I look forward to your series! I feel like Advent may be a challenge for us this year. That you’re doing this in October is great timing. I have some still to prepare!

    1. oh, Brandy!

      your waiting is happening now! Advent is the perfect time for a babymoon, no? candlelight, blankets + stories on the couch, good things to eat. just the wonder of your new one will be celebration enough! glad you’ll be reading along : )

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