
let’s start at the very beginning

Saint Andrew

…a very good place to start!

Advent encompasses the four Sundays before December 25th.  but because Christmas doesn’t always fall on the same day of the week, the date of the first day of Advent also changes.  this year it’s easy; Advent begins on December 1.

in our family we begin the keeping of Advent on November 30th because that’s St Andrew’s Day.  St Andrew’s marks a season of name day celebrations for us.  in the next few days, we’ll visit a few other saints as well.  but for now here are a few simple ways to celebrate St Andrew’s Day and welcome Advent.

  • food— St Andrew was a fisherman, so fish is always appropriate.  we usually make fish tacos.  Andrew is also the patron saint of Scotland, so anything with oats would be a wonderful addition: oatmeal for breakfast or apple crisp for dessert!
  • art–coloring is a simple, meditative practice that seems to open up time.  we love the stained glass fish from Women for Faith & Family (scroll down to find directions and a fish to print!)
  • story–St Andrew was the first disciple called.  you can read the story from Matthew 4. 18-20.  “And they straightway left their nets and followed him.”  straightway!

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