winter’s respite re-cap
i had a loverly time last week really focusing on my reading. i loved feeling like i had an excuse to just sit down and pick my book up. it also helped that i had a few good ones going and a couple more waiting in the wings. here’s what i read:
Pride and Prejudice was far and away the best book of the week. the children joined in my following the story…watching the movie and listening to the final chapters of the audio with me. we’ve got a graphic novel edition waiting at the library too!
i loved participating in the twitter chat on Saturday night. i got to talk books with some very interesting women. and during the chat, Michelle pointed me to a blog post about creating a revision roadmap. this is just what i was looking for as i begin the (long, long) task of revising a NaNoWriMo novel that i wrote lo these 8 years ago.
i also loved using twitter as a tiny commonplace book as i read–a habit i might try to keep!
Sleeping with Bread is an amazing book. I ran a series of weekly meet ups last December and January to discuss this with friends. It’s probably time to do it again.
what a glorious time you must have had together!
I am not at all familiar with the books Sleeping With The Bread and Desiring The Kingdom and they are not in my library system either. I really can not buy any books at this time but thank you for sharing some titles with us. Have a beautiful day!!
sadly, those two books weren’t in *my* library system either…i got them through interlibrary loan. much like the lovely woman above from GlobeOnMyTable, i highly recommend Sleeping with Bread. it is quite different from the tradition that i grew up in, but so full of life and promise. it’s a simple explanation of the Ignatian Examen. we are trying it out at our place.
peace keep you, dear Janet!