(writing) practice
in her wonderful book Honey for a Child’s Heart, Gladys Hunt says that if you have to decide every time that you are going to read aloud, you probably won’t do it very often. like so many bits of wisdom from her book, this idea has been singing to me, making its home with me. during this next week together i want to talk about ways to build more of what we want into our days. these are simple shifts, habits of mind, paths made in the light.
i’ve already written about journaling, the first–and strongest–habit for me. keeping a journal is a foundational habit. it’s one that will sustain you as you continue to build. i use my journal to collect quotes as i read, to make endless lists, to draw, to record our school work, to plan, and to think!
i don’t have a particular book that i always write in…but whatever book i choose, it can not have lines. blank pages with black ink. you will find your own way. don’t let the search for the perfect tool get in the way of just starting with where you are with what you have…but do keep your eyes open for a perfectly weighted pen + crisp, thick paper. here are a few resources to show you the way:
- a family nature journal
- the journaling class from Project Based Homeschooling
- bookish inspiration from Honey for a Child’s Heart and The Living Page
- other kinds of journals…mindmaps :: the bullet journal :: the Documented Life Project
this is so true — if you want it to be part of your life and part of your family culture, it has to be built into your routine!
this seems so straightforward…but it eluded me for so long.