:: at the end of 31 days :: a gift for subscribers
what a wonderful month i’ve had getting to think + write in the quiet, dark house, getting to know a few new readers, getting a package ready for Sarah, our giveaway winner! i hope that this month has created a little space for you to think about listening to your own voice first, trusting your hunches, being willing to try things out + make adjustments.
to celebrate the end of this month focused on intuitive homeschooling + to help us shift attention to the coming holidays, i have a little gift for you. i’ve edited my series on keeping advent into a handsome pdf with beautiful black + white illustrations made by Gertrud Mueller Nelson. it prints up nicely–perfect for tucking in your bag to read in a quiet moment.
when you subscribe to the blog using the button in the sidebar, i’ll send you the file. it won’t come automatically because my blog’s not sophisticated enough for such things! it will come straight from me…after i get notified that you’ve subscribed…and i finish making dinner. so, it might take a day or so, but it will be on its way soon enough! i haven’t quite finished editing, and i want things to be just right. but it will be ready in the next week or so. you can go ahead and subscribe now, and i’ll put you in the queue. if you are already a subscriber, you are already first in line!
please feel free to leave a comment or send an email (address in the hello there! tab) if you have any questions. i’ll leave you with links to a few of my favorite 31 days series. peace keep you!
Your intuitive homeschool series was just what I needed! Thanks so much! I looked forward to visiting your blog every day. I admire and appreciate your ability to pull inspiration from multiple sources (making it your own along the way) and then share how these ideas play out in your own life. May God bless you and your family!
Wow! Thank you so much for reading along, Sarah. And for taking the time to leave such a heartfelt comment. It cheers me so!
If you’re interested, you can subscribe, so that we can keep in touch…and I can send you a copy of the Keeping Advent ebook when it’s ready.
Peace keep you.
You are very welcome! I don’t often have the time to comment on every blog/every post I read, but I do like to show my appreciation when I can. I don’t usually subscribe to blogs by email, but I do have your blog in my blogger (google) reader. Does that count? Would definitely love to have some Advent inspiration this year…
Sure that counts! Usually, I only get notified when someone subscribes via email. But now that I know, I’ll email you a copy just as soon as it’s ready…shooting for the middle of this month.
Peace keep you, sweet one.