this + that
Yesterday a new review published at The Curriculum Choice about Bible memorization. In it I mentioned that we write verses on the backs of our painted + drawn cards from Index Card a Day. ICAD is still going strong through the end of the month. Tammy has collected a great bunch of posts from people participating this year…and there’s a giveaway too at Curriculum Choice!
I am going to monoprint a bunch of cards and then do line drawings on top. Alma Stoller is painting magazine pages and publishing a new video everyday. These videos are so inspiring! I just love Alma’s mark-making + her intuitive color theory.
And one more art link: we just found out that Carla Sondheim is hosting a free series of six workshops during the last week of July. We’ve never taken one of her classes, but we love her book Drawing Lab for Mixed Media Artists. All of the books in the Lab series are great! Mabel even wrote a story about the girl on the cover of this book–that’s how evocative Carla’s images are.
I have an element to add to the memorization piece–try working on a verse related to a particular place such as walking down a certain block or area in a park. For me the place association helped anchor the content.