Writing & Reading in the New Year

One thing every day.

That’s it. That’s the plan in a nutshell. Ideally, I will be both reading and moving new work forward. But some days I know it will only be reading. I love Renee Emerson’s idea of looking at her work in progress every day. Keeping in touch with the work at hand.

In January I’ve got a daily prompt project in the works. I’ll be writing every day using the chapter titles from Mitten Strings for God as prompts. I’d love it if you wrote too. Journal entries, a note on your phone, haiku, a list of five things that come to mind when you hear the prompt–it all counts. Heck, share what you write here in the comments! Here are the first week’s words…under a video of snow falling outside my writing desk windows:

Dailiness :: Morning :: Peace :: Quiet :: Simplicity :: Play

Did you notice that there are only six words for the first week? Just a little bit of extra wiggle room and grace. In fact I am aiming for writing on 5 out of 7 days. Full credit and all the gold stars!

And here’s a wee poem to greet the new year. It’s from a prompt card I made from an old picture from National Geographic.

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