everyday blogging
(i like the sound of that so much more than “blogging everyday”. i like the resonance that everyday takes on…daily, ordinary, common place.)
which is to say that i’ll be trying to show up here each day this month. it’s not the same thing as writing a novel in a month. there’s no narrative arc involved, no character development. one of these years i’ll take up that bit of crazy-making again.
but i didn’t want to always be sitting in front of this screen. i needed a way to regulate my time here. so…what if i didn’t get on the computer until the kitchen was clean? that way i’d have a clean kitchen and be temperate in my computer usage. well, that means i’d have to do the dishes…
and i broke Kim Stafford’s mug tonight.
when he came to do a writing workshop at my mom’s school, it was important to me that we have good coffee in real mugs. i brought all of my own mugs from home. and of course i watched as he chose which one he would drink out of. he chose the big, thick, black mug. no ornament, just the most coffee. and i had kept that plain mug for all these years (16 years!). and always called it Kim Stafford’s mug. and now it’s broken and my knuckle is bloody.
sorry about the mug…what a magical time we had with Kim Stafford…remember he wrote a poem for us about a killdeer in the Tijuana river valley?
I found this site you might like: http://www.oneword.com/
you write for 60 seconds on one word each day…not quite like writing a novel in one month but writing never the less…