prepare the way

in these last few weeks, as Advent was drawing near, i’ve been storing up good books.  lining our shelves with meaty treats to get us through these dark nights.  i’ll share what the children are reading later.  for now, this is what i’m pondering….please pardon the different sizes.  on my computer, the title shows up clearly when i bring the mouse over each cover.  hope you too can read them!

Bright Evening Star: Mystery of the Incarnation (Wheaton Literary Series)

The Abbreviated Psalter of the Venerable Bede

What the Land Already Knows: Winter's Sacred Days (Stories from the Farm in Lucy)

The Muses Among Us: Eloquent Listening and Other Pleasures of the Writer's Craft

Mortal Beauty, God's Grace:  Major Poems and Spiritual Writings of Gerard Manley Hopkins

The Divine Hours: Prayers for Autumn and Wintertime


  1. Phyllis Tickle is a favorite. The Kim Stafford looks very interesting. I just finished a book by Marilyn Chapman McEntyre titled Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies that you would probably enjoy.

  2. tonia–so surprised that you read the Stafford in the summer….it’s a few years old. i keep finding books that were published when we lived in the jungle. and they’re brand new to me!

    Marianna–i always love your goodreads recommendations! our library doesn’t have the McEntyre title that you mentioned, but i did put a book of her poems on hold.

    peace keep you both as you curl up with such fine companions.

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