snow day!

even though i’ve been talking up the coming of Spring in these parts, last night the snow fell and fell.

this morning Mabel woke up and opened the curtains eyes wide.  then she snapped then shut and called me to come look.  “Mama, i have a surprise for you!”



Papa had the day off from school.  so we did what the snow experts recommend…we made yummy Baked Oatmeal…



and spent the morning outside playing with our neighbors.  then we thawed out and shared hot cider and tea.  what a treat!


  1. It was so fun to see you all out playing in the snow! Glad AP was able to stay home from work and join in the fun. 🙂

  2. What a happy winter’s day! The videos were such fun to watch–the sounds and movements of joy captured. And, I love that photo of the little ones gathered at the table sharing tea and stories together–so sweet.

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