four square plan for lent
a compass to help me navigate these 40 days
north–practicing prayer at fixed hours. our days are settled enough to try a full stop at noon to say a few prayers together.
south–reading Here and Now by Henri Nouwen. a group is reading together at the Nouwen Center. i won’t begin reading until the end of March when the book arrives at the library. so there’s time for you to find a copy too!
east–marking the days with the Way of Light Wreath. i must admit that i am rather unsettled about Jesus hauling that cross for all these days. it is a dark road up ahead.
west–fasting from meat on Fridays.
but before we begin this journey toward Easter, we’ll be celebrating tonight with our favorite pumpkin pancakes and Laurel’s oatmeal pancakes. i might even warm up the syrup and put it in a pretty pitcher!
I think your compass will lead you right where God wants to take you :- )
Susan, soul friend, your words are light and life.
my girls