around the house
:: this morning working together to organize the sunporch…trips to the recycling and to donate at Goodwill…making space for the big box of Christmas coming up from the basement.
:: time outside raking leaves, mowing the grass after these last few dry days, playing in the mud, seeing the crows congregate in the birch trees to herald the setting sun.
:: bread made for the first time. well, the first time by me. this house is 104 years old. i dare say it’s seen some rising loaves!
:: Mabel, as she was stepping into the bath, said “every day is something special.” then as i shared a bit of my orange scented body wash to make bubbles for her, “this is so much better than i was expecting!”
:: the sound of a piano….the newest member of the family! a sleek, black piano now lives in the dining room. M picked out “Hot Cross Buns.” Andy is learning chords. i can hear Nico just now playing in the dark.
:: we’re getting ready!
I love your bath time comments Mabel. And I smile at the sight of Nico sitting in the dark playing the piano. Your sleek black piano reminded me of a seal.