near + far

i just wanted to quickly point you toward a couple of video interviews with Eugene Peterson.  i have so enjoyed his words and work of late.  that’s where the Lenten readings are coming from.  (in the interest of full disclosure, i have been editing the passages–taking out the masculine pronouns when they refer to God.  a practice that i picked up from my spiritual director and from Roberta Bondi.  may their tribes increase.)

i haven’t watched the entire Sabbath video yet.  but the Scripture edition is wonderful, especially in light of recent musings in the comments here.  full of stories and digressions and word studies.  i love how Eugene nervously pulled at his trousers.  i was thrilled when he pulled them so far up a bit of skin showed!

hope you too enjoy.


  1. been missing you dear.

    drove by our mutual bridge and kicked myself again for the long distance between our last face to face and today.

    love coming here to rest. thank you.

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