unexpected light
even though this is our second time through the circle of seasons in this house, still the sun keeps turning up in unexpected places. our usually dark dining room has been flooded with light on the rare clear mornings. such a good thing. here are a few other good things that are shining in my life just now.
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Lyanda from The Tangled Nest shares three simple practices that are shaping her Advent. among other things, she’s reading Caryll Houselander, a new-to-me mid-century English Catholic. i am so excited to get better aquanted with her writing!
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Amy Julia Becker shares about the ordinary hard stuff…this comes via Elizabeth at In the Heart of My Home. and there’s much Advent goodness there too.
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Susan shares her simple, wise, grounding, life-giving Advent practices at Tea and Cake.
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Sarah Bessey is talking about birth and the mess of the incarnation.