our homeschool year :: in pictures

jan-13 084

this was a big year for us.  Mabel, our oldest, officially became school age.  and we welcomed little baby Joseph to our family.  these two events certainly influenced our year, but they don’t tell everything.

we did reading practice and nature walks and math and lots of drawing.  we saw plays and read aloud and listened to books on tape.  we cooked and traveled and played.  we bounced the baby and listened to music and picked berries and and sang and painted and talked and talked and talked.  we raised butterflies and took naps and played dress up and built tents.  we went to the library and hosted poetry readings.  we kept an almanac and watched the moon come full. and then i made a photo book (which didn’t save in the final version…so the first few pages are a bit wonky.  just keep looking; it gets better!).

it was a very good year.


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