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returning to St Louis

aug 13 115Joseph greeting Jean Baptiste at Fort Clatsop

it’s Lewis and Clark day today.  take a listen to today’s lovey recording of The Writer’s Almanac. we had planned to go down to the river to celebrate, but the rain kept us in.  we were out on the Columbia yesterday though.  it’s a beautiful river.  that wasn’t really the impression that Lewis + Clark had.  it would have been a different place then, running wild.  instead we have Bonneville Dam and the power to make this computer run.  hmmm.

yesterday we were at Cascade Locks where we saw this wonderful sculpture.  this gesture is so poignant, Sacajawea reaching her hand back to touch her child even while facing and pointing West.



  1. I love Jojo’s hand on the baby. What fun we had on board the stern wheeler, Columbia Gorge. Salute Lewis and Clark!

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