on December 12th we celebrate the feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe. i have an affinity with Mary that grew all the stronger this last Christmas as i was heavily pregnant with a much anticipated child. the miraculous story of her appearance in the Americas to a peasant named Juan Diego claimed much of my attention last year. she is the patron saint of Mexico as well as unborn children.
- food–eat some Mexican food! beans + rice will do the trick nicely. it isn’t extravagance that marks the celebration, but attention.
- art—the above image is made by Paper Dali, a wonderful resource for liturgical art projects. she is a part of a playset including Juan Diego and his tilma!
- story–her story is happily told in Tomie de Poala’s The Lady of Guadalupe. his story books tend to be a bit text-heavy for a single read aloud session, but you can spread it out over a few days if you need.