learning all the time :: 15 february
though i’ve shared this short video before, it bears another viewing. this is Tony–our writing + Shakespeare + Philip K. Dick teacher. in so many ways, we are still learning the lessons he taught.
for Valentine’s Day, AP of my heart gave me a copy of Tony’s new book of short fiction, The Parable of You. it’s amazing. his voice shines through each tiny world. you can read an extended interview at Propeller Magazine.
this beautiful, slim volume has me thinking in a thousand ways. ideas of revision for my novel, the difference between flash fiction and prose poems, and this writing/educating life in general. i want to get this down.
Oh what a treat! I’m jealous. 😉 I tell you, after spending 6 years away from it and then coming back into an academic setting in a very part time way, whew! The fire is burning hot! I can’t scribble fast enough and there are so many ideas… I don’t know what got in my way but I’m glad it’s back…I tried my hand at short fiction in the fall (something I’d never thought to do before now and it was actually fun..) I think I’m most interested in creative non-fiction…blathering on…but yay! For inspiration and yay! for beautiful wise souls that teach. 🙂
so glad the fire is back and burning bright! inspiration is always welcome!