fall is for learning
this has been the year of online learning for me. and i am so happy about that development! last fall ModPo exploded. then there was a journaling class + a master class with Lori of Project Based Homeschooling. each one has brought challenges: new ways of thinking and expressing myself, new things to think about and discuss. and now i am in the midst of another spate of fall time learning.
a few weeks ago we discovered Creativebug and have been watching, drawing, and stitching like mad ever since. the topics range from embroidery to drawing, and the videos are fun to watch. when you sign up, you get 14 days of free access. after that you can choose to purchase single classes or monthly access to the entire site.
next week a MOOC entitled Laura Ingalls Wilder: Exploring her Work + Writing Life begins. i’m over the moon that there are “required texts” for this course–a first for me with MOOCs. i can’t wait to dive into this fiction again. meanwhile Joseph has discovered our collection of My First Little House picture books. he loves the the good old bulldog Jack, the excellent mouser Black Susan, lovely Ma, the dancing, and the bright moon. such finely made books!
and thanks to goodreads, i got an advance copy of Falling from Horses by Molly Gloss. it comes out at the end of October. here’s what you need to do. get a hold of The Hearts of Horses. there are some related characters in the new book, and you’ll get a wonderful introduction to the lovely writing, thoughtful narrative, and emotionally honest characters that Glass creates. her work is among the best.