
women who inspire :: Sandra Dodd

on each Wednesday during the month of October i’ll to introduce you to a woman who has influenced and shaped my work as a home educating mama.

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first up is Sandra Dodd.  if you don’t already subscribe to her blog Just Add Light and Stir, you should go do that.  right now!  she posts a picture + thoughtful quote about education or life with children every day.  her wisdom shines in this short format.  she also links back to her main (prolific) website…while falling through the rabbit hole that is Radical Unschooling, you might take time to read what Kathy Ward has to say…she’s another wise mama of many. though i don’t agree with everything Sandra says, every day she helps me be a better mama.  and that’s no small thing.  listen:

Every time you speak or act, you build or break. The softer you can be, the more whole they will be.


Seeing your own child’s bright eyes when you do something sweet can heal the child inside you who would have loved to have had someone do that to, for, with her, years ago.


Moments, not days.
Don’t think of “bad days.” One terrible moment doesn’t condemn the rest of the day. One bad moment? Recover. Apologize, smile, be sweet, and make the next moment better.


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