
homeschool teacher development


this last year i have noticed just how much energy + excitement i have when i’m learning something new.  one of the great perks of this homeschooling life is being able to continue my own education as my children learn. there are so many MOOCs available in places like Coursera, edX, FutureLearn, and Canvas Network.   no two MOOCs are the same.  if the first one you try isn’t hoding your interest, keep looking.  they are also infinitely customizable–you get to choose what best use looks like.

there are also many excellent online workshops.  i’ve taken Journaling Boot + Reboot and the PBH Master Class at Project Based Homeschooling, Declutter Your Mind from Simplified Organization, and Basic Line Drawing from Creativebug.  the learning doesn’t have to be rigorously academic.  it’s good for my kids to see me be a learner in any field, to make mistakes, to figure things out.  and it’s good for me to extend myself, to try new things, to keep myself engaged + inspired.

you can get a taste of teacher development…today!  Julie from Brave Writer is offering a free webinar today at 4pm Eastern called “Make Your Fantasy Homeschool a Reality.”   Julie has also started The Homeschool Alliance, a subscription coaching service.  for only $15 a month, Julie offers a master class in learning, ideas for self-care, and simple practices to make your homeschool richer.  there is an awesome group of women gathered there already!

there are also book groups and reading lists and quiet walks where you find solutions to your own problems!  i’ve written more about my experiences; you can find it in the learning all the time category.  how do you make a space for yourself to learn + grow?


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