Thred Up!

Guess what the letter carrier delivered to my house?  Oh, yes.  A box for Mama!  I finally took the plunge and ordered something from Thred Up.  And I am so happy with the results.

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Right after Baby Joseph was born, I started to hear people talking about Thred Up.  It was usually in the context of reviewing Style Fix.  Well, the prices (and styles!) on Style Fix are a bit beyond me.  Thred Up is more my speed!  It’s an online consignment store offering used clothes at great prices.  There is a lot to choose from, and the website is easy to use.  It’s easy to limit and organize your choices.

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The jeans arrived in happy packaging, just adding to the thrill of getting something in the post.  The very best part is that Thred Up offers new customers $10 in credit.  I found the jeans that I ordered for $10.49.  So I paid $3.49 with shipping for a new pair of pants.  Those prices are better than Goodwill.  And I didn’t even have to wrestle the baby into a shopping cart!

For everyone who clicks on through to their website using this link, Thred Up will not only give YOU $10 to spend, they will also give ME $10.  Just think of it as an early Christmas present for both of us!

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  1. I am wearing a pair of thred-up jeans myself right now, that I got for nearly free on that deal. 🙂 It’s a great site!

    1. A friend of mine said it’s a very dangerous site…thrift store shopping with all the comforts of home!

      Peace keep you.

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