
5 Days to a More Peaceful Advent :: One Thing

The world is so full of a number of things,
I’m sure we should all be as happy as kings–Robert Louis Stevenson

…Except that all those things can sometimes make it too hard to choose.  Sometimes the fact that we could do any number of things makes it hard to do anything.  At our place it’s movies.  When it’s the perfect night to spend the evening together sharing stories through movies, we sometimes spend so much time trying to pick the right one that it gets too late to watch anything.

In the days leading up to Christmas, there will be no end to the things you can do together.  But don’t get bogged down in finding the perfect activity.  Choose simply; enjoy deeply; rest quietly.

peaceful advent

Here is a list of simple activities to get you started:

drink hot chocolate with whipped cream

play games

draw together

watch a movie

read a book outloud

share old family stories

take a bubble bath

watch the moon come full

make peppermint chocolate cookies

or peanut butter kisses

…and a pot of tea


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