Ending + Beginning
The month is almost over, and I don’t know that I’m any closer to understanding soul rest through art as I was at the beginning. But all month I’ve been approaching mark-making as a learner–engaged, interested, willing to explore. I’ve happily stumbled into the world of mixed media and art journaling and on to intuitive painting. I absolutely love making canvases out of found, recycled materials. Making art with junk has loosed something in me, made me willing to waste paint and experiment. Here are a few more resources as the month comes to an end.
30 Day Journal Project
Lisa Sonora will be hosting a month of journaling prompts all through July. Her work in The Creative Entrepreneur is lovely and inspiring. She believes in art as inquiry and guides the reader in simple processes to explore and learn. Although I don’t have a great track record with prompts, I am going to be participating, using my journaling habit to explore flow and ease and the sound of life working. I think I may write on index cards…ICAD on one side, journal on the other.
Hand-lettering for a Latte
I discovered The Postman’s Knock via Brandy at Afterthoughts last week and am totally in love! I love mamas practicing handwork alongside their children. I’ve been frustrated with hand-lettering in the past because I like my handwriting as is. Attempts to alter it felt forced. But now I’m in the market for a few more tools to add interest + variation to my journal pages. I’d love to learn a few easy tricks to have in my toolbag. And I love the easy entry price! Lindsey’s site is lovely and her blog is full of tutorials and examples. I especially love what she’s doing with watercolors!
A Year of Art Journaling
With this month of experiments came the gift of color, and I’m so excited to explore color more. One guide will be A Year of Art Journaling: A Beginner Course in Artful Discovery by Christine Hiester This tremendous resource has over 20 different lessons introducing a practice or a process like gluebooking or image transfers. Then Christine offers prompts to get you moving and links to videos and articles by people who are already practicing! I love the glimpses of her own work and how she connects learning, gathering inspiration, and then moving your hand. And I’m so happy that I get to share a piece that Christine wrote about the spiritual aspects of her art here tomorrow. Stay tuned!
Hand Lettering for a Latte!! Isn’t it fabulous?? I’m so glad you’re enjoying it, too. I hope that eventually I will feel brave enough for her other products. 🙂