
End of the Year Reading

I made a quick list this morning of the books that I want to read before the year’s out.  These are things that I’ve started and set aside or seasonal reads.  When I listed it all out, it looked a little daunting.  I’m not trying to just get through these books…I want the books to get through me too.


  • Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
  • More Than a Dream: The Cristo Rey Story by G.R. Kearney
  • The Vigil by Wendy Wright
  • The Irrational Season by Madeleine L’Engle
  • maybe An Acceptable Time by L’Engle as well
  • Lifesigns by Henri Nouwen
  • Plant Dreaming Deep by May Sarton
  • Winter Holiday by Arthur Ransome (reading aloud)
  • The Green Ember by S.D. Smith (audiobook)
  • The Painting Workbook by Alena Hennessy

And I’d like to finish working through the Simplified Organization Course, watching the Brave Writer Retreat videos, maybe participate in the Just Five Things workshop.  And a poetry workshop here in town.  And, you know, celebrate Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas because I like to keep things simple!

I’ll be updating my Goodreads page soon too, so maybe we can connect there too!



  1. ‘I’m not trying to just get through these books…I want the books to get through me too.’ – I just don’t want to read in order to tick off another thing off my list. I can’t find where I read something CS Lewis wrote about this, but it was to do with what you expressed – really connecting with a book in order that it becomes part of us. Which makes me think twice about the books I choose to read in the first place.

    1. I was thinking of Mortimer Adler: “In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but how many can get through to you.”

      So glad you stopped by, Carol!

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