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Quiet Homeschooling

My calling, my vocation, is home educating my children.  It’s what keeps me up at night and gets me going in the morning.  And I have the tendency to see everything through that lens–especially good advice.  I mean, if it’s good advice, it’s got to apply to homeschooling, right?

Of late, I’ve gotten interested in contemplative photography.  I came across the work of Kim Manley Ort and was smitten.  She’s an excellent writer, and I really love her photography.  Through Kim, I also found A Field Guide to Contemplative Photography by Patricia Turner and this four fold advice.

may 13 005



Be still.

Be present.

Be patient.

Be  persistent.



Be still–don’t fret.  Don’t flit from curriculum to curriculum.  Find something that mostly works.  Make up the rest.

Be present–not out and about at every activity, not overly preoccupied with whatever the current trend happens to be.  Not worried about other people’s expectations or judgement.

Be patient–don’t rush academics.  Don’t push external timetables.  It’s never too late to be ready.

Be persistent–find a workable, everyday rhythm.  And a strong Morning Time rotation so that you know there is space in the day for music + art + story.  Show up.  Do the work.  Be the magic.

Every day.


  1. Can’t get this post out of my head. I would love to “re-blog” this!!!!!!
    1. May I? I am such a newbie at this I don’t know the etiquette? Do people usually ask first or just do it?
    2. Do you have a button or some easy way to do it?

  2. Love love love this so much. Shared with my husband and friends and posted on FB and printing out to reread and remind myself whenever I need it! Thank you! 🙂

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