The Wonder Project :: Foundational Habits

The purpose of ritual is to let your soul know that it is about to do something different than before, something important. –Keri Smith in The Wander Society.

The Wonder Project

In her amazing and influential book Better Than Before, Gretchen Rubin talks about foundational habits–seemingly little things that make it easier to develop better habits. She says that along with decluttering, good sleep, exercise, and eating can make make or break your ability to create better habits.

If our capacity for wonder, our capacity for delight, is something that we can grow and deepen, then there might be analogous habits that set the stage.  I’d go a step further and say that we can create simple rituals that act as a que for our wonder.  A little something to nudge us in the direction of wonder.

Over the next week we’ll look at these four

  • celebrations
  • lighting candles
  • prayer
  • and Sabbath keeping.


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