Preparing for Peace
I’ve been thinking about Sabbath for a few years now. And I’ve got a few thoughts simmering about the relationship between Sabbath and rest with homeschooling. But just today I came across two excellent resources that I wanted to share.
Middle Mercies
I received Aimee’s newsletter today, and it’s a treasure chest full of gems. I got on her list by subscribing to the free 5 day retreat guide. I am looking forward to my first retreat in many moons later this summer. But Aimee also gave me eyes to see the smaller retreats scattered through my day–quiet mornings, afternoon tea, reading and journaling time. I want to value this time and protect the restorative nature that each pocket of time holds.
Simplified Organization
Mystie has been writing a yearlong series called Organize Your Attitude. This week’s installment is on rest. She talks about honoring the natural rhythms of sleep and meals and to reflect on the true nature of our breaks. I think it dovetails nicely with Aimee’s work. Be sure to click through the other suggested posts at the bottom of the page. I find the serendipity rich there, often finding *just* what I need.
I’ve just signed up for Aimee’s newsletter and the retreat guide. I’ve been looking to see if there are any retreats near me but have not had any luck, so I like the idea of creating my own. Thanks so much for mentioning it! 🙂