Prayer for the First Day of School

O Source of Morning Brightness,

As new light streams out of the darkness, we open wide our hearts to this new year.

Open our eyes to see the opportunities this year has to offer.

Surprise us with small joys and pieces of beauty scattered through the days.

Open the doors of our hearts, the windows of our souls, the walls of our minds.

Awaken us to new insights. Awaken us to hope, joy, and love.


–adapted from prayers in Macrina Wiederkehr in Seven Sacred Pauses

We just got home from day before school starts ice cream! Now it’s time to wash up the drips, get jammies on, and get ready for this new adventure before us. We’ll be starting slowly and feathering subjects in for the next few weeks as we get our feet under us. Morning Time is always our anchor. Here’s what we’ll be practicing in case you want to join us.

:: Prayer :: Lasallian Prayer

:: Hymn:: Simple Gifts  (Singing along with this music)

:: Scripture :: Psalm 1

:: Poem :: Teddy Roosevelt’s Daring Greatly Speech



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