resources for an illustrated journal

a few days ago, Susan asked about journals and if her readers keep them.  why yes, sweet friend, i do.  here are a few resources that inspire and inform me as i put pen to paper.

for me the start of birds and drawing and making zines–all things that have become such important parts of how i see this world–is Cathy Johnson.  i found her by chance in the stacks at the Hollywood Library.  i think the first book was the Sierra Club Guide to Sketching in Nature.  but she’s written over 30 books, offers online classes, and writes regularly at her blog.

the women at Illustrated Watercolor Journaling were two of the artists features in An Illustrated Life edited by Danny Gregory.  while i haven’t actually seen their DVD, it comes highly recommended by Alice–no small thing.  really the thing that keeps me coming back to look at their work is the painting field trip to the Channel Islands off of Santa Barbara, the mountains in the sea that inspired my novel.  i can’t imagine being out in among the islands, messing about in boats, getting the chance to see an island scrub jay.

and i always return to Keeping a Nature Journal by Claire Walker Leslie and A Trail Through Trees by Hannah Hinchman.



  1. Kortney, thank you for all of these beautiful and interesting links!

    I love birds, too :- ) When spring brings the birds back to me, I will be so happy (and never indoors).

    You’ve written a novel??? Is it published? What is it about? I want to read it!

    Are you still publishing your ‘zines?

    I apologize for all of the questions. Once, a friend called me nosy, but she completely misunderstood me. I am just very, very curious ;- ) (and, truly interested in the lives of others).

  2. Kort,

    Have you ever read Karen Andreola’s Pocketful of Pinecones? It’s a work of fiction that incorporates information on nature study.

    I’m thinking I’ve seen it listed on your goodreads, but just in case!

  3. Marianna–

    thank you for the recommendation….i really like Andreola’s CM Companion. i also really like YOUR goodreads! recently i’ve really enjoyed Walking the Literary Labyrinth by Malone. on your recommendation!

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