sister corita

this morning via Maria at Brain Pickings, i came across Sister Corita Kent’s 10 Rules for Life.  this of course put me in mind of our trip two years ago to the University to see a small show of Sister Corita’s work.

her work is simple and graphic, colorful and layered.  it often includes words (something i don’t often like).  and yet, there is something that draws me to her work.  yes, yes.  a nun making art.  of course i’m drawn in!  these two littles were interested as well.

as for her Rules, well i’m interested in those too.  they remind me of something Lori at Project Based Homeschooling might write.  some are so close to what i think and feel and want to live–like Rule 7: The only rule is work or Rule 1:Find a place you trust and then try trusting it awhile or Rule 9: Be happy whenever you can manage it.  but then others rub up right against all of my worries–Rule 6: Nothing is a mistake or Rule 4: Consider everything an experiment.

so there it is.  so much to think about.  so much to live into.

one more serendipitous aside–as i was trying to find our pictures from the exhibit, i found a picture of some PSU students at the same exhibit.  they are a part of an MFA program in Social Practice.  wow!  sign me up!


  1. i was just reading this on maria’s blog today. 😀

    i love that you thought of me when you read the list. i loved “there’s no win and no fail — there’s only make” and “the only rule is work.” i think i will make a poster of that or embroider it or something for my studio wall.

  2. i do! when i was eight i had a long-sleeved linen shirt that i had embroidered all over. they used to sell iron-on embroidery patterns for 5 or 10 cents; you would iron them onto your clothing leaving a faint lavender line, then you would embroider over it. i was a master of the chain stitch. ;^)

    i love maira kalman’s embroidered pieces — you can see some here:


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