readiness–reading and otherwise
:: three at Twelfth Night on Labor Day ::
this boy. he turned three this Spring. but i put off potty training until Summer thinking that he would be outside, it would be warmer, accidents wouldn’t be such a problem. all season long we encouraged, cajoled, bribed. none of it worked. we asked him just to sit on the potty…until we finished singing a song together, until the timer went off. every time it was a struggle. this kid was ready. i knew it! he was tired of diapers and plenty coordinated. but we had no success.
and then…we did. something clicked with him, and suddenly he was consistently using the potty. he even stays dry most nap times and some nights. he is totally independent; he asks for privacy in the bathroom and mostly manages his pants and unders by himself. he is utterly in control.
a few weeks ago Laura Grace Weldon wrote about the link between reading readiness and the body. the same neural pathways that are created through gross motor play are what makes the brain able to process all the tasks required for reading. may i have the grace to extend space and time and wide experience to my children as they grow and learn.
a good lesson to remember 🙂