

we are enjoying our last week of vacation with Andy home–finishing up projects around the house, making our final to-do list, thinking about the next season we are stepping into.  i even raked leaves today!  with all our trees this will be an on-going job through the end of the year.  i (mostly) love this opportunity to be outside and get a look at what the squirrels are up to: gathering nuts and also lots of green leaves to weave into a nest in the juniper tree.

super cute image by Patterson Clark found with this Washington Post story

i started a home management notebook today.  groan.  i resisted doing this for a long time.  i mean, what less inspiring than a three ring binder.  but my trusty clipboard has become over stuffed and unwieldy.  so a binder it is.  for now it’s holding wisdom printed from Lori at Project Based Homeschooling and Julie at Brave Writer, homeschool masters, my weekly schedule and menus, and our nature study grids.  we’ll see how easy it is to access and what other things i might add in.



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