
GWS :: forty-seven

fire ciderI think that being really smart is the ability to live well–that is in harmony with one’s own needs and the needs of the rest of the world.  Really smart is the ability to solve problems.

I would never tell the school board this, but my goal for my own and my children’s education here at home is to get better and better at solving problems, and at meeting needs.

That is our curriculum here; those are the “basics.”  Math and reading and such are the frills.


–Andrea Kelly-Rosenberg in Growing Without Schooling Issue #45

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  1. Really like this part – “my goal for my own and my children’s education here at home is to get better and better at solving problems, and at meeting needs.” How very true.

  2. Isn’t it funny the reasons we have for homeschooling. It’s seldom about those pesky academics. 😉 Mine are about nurturing creativity and empathy. Which I suppose is nearly the same thing as solving problems and meeting needs.

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