Lent Is (Still) for Art

Making art, keeping a commonplace, journaling–these are things that people always say they *wish* they had time for.  Lent is about priorities, about creating a space for goodness to grow.  Often during Lent people give something up.  (I’m still rather surprised at just how hard it’s been for me to give up my 1 beer a day.)  But Lent is also about making room for good things that have been crowded out.  In these last few weeks before Easter maybe it’s time to make some time?

Melissa Wiley–a mentor and a friend–was recently interviewed by Danny Gregory!  In her notes about the interview, Lissa said that Rilla was jumping up and down in glee at the prospect of meeting Danny.  So was I!  Melissa has so much to offer people who are beginning a new drawing practice or reviving one that got buried in to-do lists.  Here are a few more places to look for inspiration:

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