Be My Neighbor Day!

Today is March 20 and it’s time to celebrate Mister Rogers’ birthday! I don’t know if there is another person who has so influenced my life and my way of caring for children.  And there’s no better way to honor Mister Rogers than by being a caring neighbor.  Here are some ideas:

Share Your Photos

  • Smile
  • Plant a tree
  • Say “Thank You”
  • Sort and recycle glass, newspapers, plastic and cardboard
  • Give the gift of laughter: clip cartoons, share funny stories
  • Offer to take the shopping cart back for someone
  • Shop with reusable bags
  • Make a donation to your favorite non-profit
  • Save throw-aways (egg cartons, ribbons, etc.) for art projects
  • Share a hug
  • Be a good friend by just listening
  • Reuse cardboard boxes to store toys and supplies
  • Volunteer at a senior center
  • Pay someone a compliment
  • Visit your local library for story time, crafts, songs and games

So, put on your favorite sweater, the one that has a zipper, and sing my favorite song from the Neighborhood, “I’m Taking Care of You” to get you inspired.

p.s.  PBS finally made good on it’s promise to make more episodes available online…you can now enjoy 26 full episodes!


  1. Wonderful post and list of neighborly ideas!

    Another thing we have in common! Mr. Rogers has been a huge influence in my life, too. His television program is the only one I allowed my children to watch for years. When he died in 2003, it was like a light went out…suddenly the world felt a lonelier place. I am so glad that his work and message live on throught his television program and books.

    Favorite song? Well, these days I’ve been singing “You Can Never Go Down the Drain”, as Luke has formed an attachment to the picture book _The Tub People_, by Pam Conrad. In the book, the child of the tub people DOES go down the drain (which I think is a little scary), but in the end he is rescued and safe with his family once again.

  2. i heard that Mr Rogers had died waiting at the dentist’s office. not my favorite place to be anytime. but especially not then.

    The Tub People scares ME! i do not like it! i always suggest another story when that one gets mentioned. i just can’t stand the look on his mama’s face as they try to get him out. oh.

    …when we lived in the jungle we taught “Tree Tree Tree” to the children in Saramakan…

    Pau, pau, pau…
    Mi lobi i, mi lobi i, mi lobi i, mi lobi i

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