Creative Planning

I’ve started using painted pages as a part of my planning and brainstorming.  This magazine page was painted with orange and white, then stamped (with the lid from the paint bottle!).  The circles became part of my list–helping me to weigh the pros and cons and find a path through.


I was just *planning* on sharing a picture of a recent planning page and a link to a collection of planning/record keeping posts over at Curriculum Choice.  And then the magic of the internet took over! Annie Kate, a fellow reviewer, left a comment, linked to a post here, followed on Twitter–made my day!  So, I started poking around her site…turns out I’ve already loved her!  Annie Kate writes homeschool reviews, but she also teaches classes on hand lettering, issues creative prompts, and is generally awesome.  And her prompts?  They explore the intersection of faith + creativity!  Sounds like soul rest to me!

UPDATED: So I think I was mistaken.  Annie Kate and Anna K. are two distinctly wonderful creative people…with names that are similar.  Twice the awesome!  Sorry for the confusion.



  1. Kortney, I love this! We’ve been talking about notebooks & planning over at Wisteria and Sunshine lately too. And in my girls’ lit class. Such fun!

    1. The kids really did give three cheers when I called out, “Melissa Wiley left a comment on the blog!”

      And I was thinking the time was ripe for another dip into Wisteria and Sunshine. Thanks for the nudge.

  2. Funny you should mention hand-lettering! I’ve been practicing different lettering styles lately and wishing I had a good source of instruction. My sketchbook is overrun with alphabets…

    And I keep thinking of you as Wisteria & Sunshine discusses daybooks and notebook-keeping, last month’s topic which has spilled over into this month. A lot of folks there make their own notebooks with handmade tabs and dividers. Some lovely stuff. I have about six half-written posts in my drafts inspired by the discussion!

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