The Best Homeschooling Book

I’ve just started reading Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Everyday Life by Gretchen Rubin for the second time this year.  It’s the best homeschooling book I’ve read in a while.  Ok, it’s not really a homeschooling book, but it’s not hard to see how getting a handle on some of Rubin’s ideas could have a positive effect on both working from home and homeschooling.

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Maybe the most important section of the book flows from one of Rubin’s personal commandments: know thyself.  If you want habits to stick, you need to connect them to your life in a way that resonates with your personality.  She shares a list of pairs, and how you answer will inform how you can successfully incorporate new habits.

  • Are you an introvert or extrovert?
  • Are you a lark or an owl?
  • Do you crave a sense of simplicity or abundance?
  • Do you thrive with familiarity or novelty?
  • Are you a finisher or an opener?
  • Are you a marathoner or sprinter?

It’s easy to hear about programs or habits that another family has found successful and think that you should adopt their methods too.  But thinking through these variations–in yourself and your children–will help you craft days that nourish and support the family learning project.  As for–us we start early, stick to our routines, and do a little school every day.  We play to our strengths and give lots of grace around our weaknesses.

What’s true about the way you homeschool or work from home?

Homeschooling and Working from Home with Ease

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