
The End of Winter

It’s coming, it’s coming!

The new year’s first month has blown by, and Lent comes early this year.  But before we get there, we’ve got two sweet feasts to celebrate–St Brigid’s Day and Candlemas.

517KCY1zdLL._SX431_BO1,204,203,200_For St Brigid’s Day we’ll be reading Brigid’s Cloak by Bryce Milligan.  We’re going to make evergreen bouquets with the juniper, lavender, and rosemary in the yard.  Then we can burn them in a fire on the Equinox.  And we’ll probably wrestle up some oat-ish treat to go with our tea.  Always love these oatmeal scones from Preschoolers and Peace.  Of course, we’ll also be listening to our favorite Celtic hymns.  Might also try our hand at making a patchwork cloak using potato prints.

And then for Candlemas or the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, we’ll be coloring these amazing images from Audrey Eclectic and the fine women at The Homely Hours.  I think we might head to the tienda to get dinner and pick up some vigil candles.  Nothing says celebrate to this mama quite like dinner out!

What do you have planned to welcome the growing light?

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