So Great a Cloud :: Michaelmas
Fall is here–the mornings are coming later and the days are cooler. It’s also Michaelmas and the beginning of the wonderful Fall Feasts that include St Jerome (Sept 30), St Francis (Oct 4), and St Martin (Nov 12).
Today we started the day with tea and read from Around the Year Once Upon a Time Saints by Ethel Pochocki. This is our first time through the church year with this book, and it was a delightful start! Pairs wonderfully with The Loyola Book of Saints by David Self.
Then we made jam and dragon bread. Really it’s just our regular bread that we eat with Monk’s Supper–lentil soup +apples + chees + bread. But we’re shaping it into a dragon after the first rise. While the jam bubbled we sang a few lines of “Michael, Row the Boat Ashore” with Pete!