this morning’s books

Renoir's Colors

Renoir’s Colors by Marie Sellier is one of those wonderful, rare board books that offers even very young children a window into art.  each picture is offered first behind a small flap to open and then as the full painting.  Nico loves it!

Wilderness Cat

Wilderness Cat is written by the same author as last year’s Christmas book.  it’s part Laura Ingalls, part James Harriet.  just lovely.  (thanks, Nana!)

One Morning in Maine

One Morning in Maine is perfect for big sisters interested in teeth falling out and bird feathers who like to eat ice cream and clam chowder.  in other words, the book is perfect for Mabel.


Little Beauty

recently Mabel was looking at an alphabet poster and wished aloud that she could work on the sign language alphabet too.  so we went to the library and this wonderful story book called Little Beauty was one of the best finds.  great illustrations, a good story, lots of whimsy.  we read it lots!

Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb (Bright & Early Board Books)

yeah, we read this one lots too.  lots.


  1. Lots of goodies! One Morning in Maine and Wilderness Cat are two of our favorites. I’m going to be on the lookout for Little Beauty. We love gorillas! Is that book about Koko and her kitten All Ball? A few years ago my son Zach read every book about Koko he could get his hands on.

  2. i think Little Beauty is based on Koko, and if you all know her story it will be fun to read and see what’s fiction and what’s fact! it is so good; i know you all will love it! hi to Zack 🙂

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