

Mentioning hashtags two days in row?  A little much.  But I forgot to mention some happy links in yesterday’s post, and I wanted to make sure that you had access to such goodness!


Creative Planning Lab–August

So, I told you about the fabulous collaboration between Christine from Bare Branch Blooming and Teresa from Right Brain Planner.  But I forgot to link to the {free} journaling guide that Teresa made.  It’s just full of heart and imagination and inspiration.  She suggests setting three 3-minute meetings with yourself throughout the day.  Just a few moments to check-in, maybe even write a one word entry in your journal.  That put me in mind of Annie Lamott’s one-word prayers: Help! Thanks! Wow!  Pretty good theology if you ask me.  Also, throughout the month people are sharing peeks of their journals with the hashtag #RBPAugust.  If you are at all interested in paper planning or art journaling, it’s a wonderfully creative, supportive group of people who are set on paying attention to their life.

30 Tips for Taking Selfies (with Love)

30 Tipd for Takig Selfies with LoveYesterday, I also found a fabulous guide to taking phone photos created by the lovely, luminous Vivienne McMaster.  I’ve already taken her some of her advice (take photos with your phone, not in Instagram because the files are exceedingly small in Instagram and that effects image quality).  And I even figured out how to adjust the aperture and white balance on the little phone I picked up for $20 at the supermarket.  Looking forward to exploring more of her ideas!

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