Celebrating St Laura
It’s Laura Ingalls Wilder’s birthday today! We are still recovering from being sick….but we couldn’t let this day pass without some sort of celebration! We colored and listened to the first 15 chapters of Farmer Boy from the newly available Audible recording. The recordings by Cherry Jones have been available for years but only as cds. The ease of access and portability via Audible are a big wins for us!
Farmer Boy is a book bursting with food. In the first chapter, Laura describes the lunch Almanzo took to school. It included apple fritters and donuts! We made some apple fritter bread for Laura’s birthday, lit candles, and sang!
The image above is an old favorite. Turns out it’s by Cheryl Harness. Her picture books have become the center of our American history studies this year. She has a keen eye and her spreads are full of detail that rewards close attention.